
Friday, 22 July 2011

Would You Rather Be

1: In an accident or be the cause of an accident?
- I would rather be in an accident because at least i'm not the one causing the accident and harm other people's lives.

2: Blind or be deaf?
- I would rather be deaf because i can still do a lot of things. For example, i can easily walk around, play sports and enjoy the beauty of the world.

3: Be lost in the jungle or be trapped on an isolated island?
- I would rather be lost in the jungle because i can easily walk around to find a way out and find some foods to eat as well.


  1. bgus sgat siap dengan gambar 2..mesti miss mard puji nye lah..hahahaha

  2. hahaha.
    its not good la mirul..
    simple jer....
